Village Life / 24 The village volunteer health worker




24 The village volunteer health worker


William Phiri works as the village health worker in Rogers' village.  He is totally unpaid but is fed, clothed and supported in every way possible by the village - who also built his house.  He makes regular trips on his bike into the Kakumbi Clinic 23 km away for medical supplies and materials.  Several times he has brought children, teen-agers and even adults into the Clinic on his bike when they were ill.  This means that he cycled with them on the back of his bike 23 km in in the morning, and 23 km out in the evening.  Only 4 km of the road is tarmacked - the rest is rough, sometimes muddy, uneven track, mostly level but with a couple of good-sized hills.


Johnny and I bought him vegetable seeds to plant in his field, organised a watering can for him and bought him two new tyres for his bike.


We think he deserves a medal!!!


If you would like to help to support William click here.